Dear (MP),
Invitation to join All Party Parliamentary Group for Relocation
I’m (xxxxxx), and firstly may I congratulate you on your election. I value your willingness to serve our constituency and country in this way. Secondly, I invite you to join the All Party Parliamentary Group for Relocation. I’m with the firm (xxxxx) in your constituency. It would be very helpful if you support us by agreeing to let me put your name down as a member of the APPG.
The APPG facilitates successful relocations of employees in the UK and internationally. We’re a vital component in Britain’s prosperity because we ensure businesses can move staff they need to places they need them, effectively and efficiently. Our work is essential to the shared cross-party goal of a successful and growing UK economy, making the United Kingdom the ‘go to’ destination for firms looking for an attractive place to prosper. Just about any firm that moves people benefits from what we do.
I’m not asking you to spend any more time or effort on the APPG than you wish to, beyond occasionally submitting some Parliamentary Questions, which I can provide in a ready-to-submit format. You’ll find more about my business here:
(insert company website link)
You’ll find more about the relocation sector in general at this link:
Thanks in advance for your support for our business and our sector. I greatly appreciate it. It really does help get British business move – literally. I’ve enclosed a Factsheet about the sector for your benefit. Will you join our APPG? Unless you object, I’ll let our team know we may include you as a member.
Yours sincerely,
ARP held another meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Employee Relocation on Tuesday 21st November 2023.
We are committed to working proactively with Parliament, through the APPG, to enhance the sector’s £7bn per annum direct contribution and £21bn per annum consequential contribution to the British economy. The APPG discussed the following areas:
The APPG agreed to use the Parliamentary tools available to deliver outcomes for the sector. These include Parliamentary Questions, interventions in debates, meetings with Ministers, a Westminster Hall debate and cross-party requests for action and support for relocation.